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Recent Studies link Alcoholism and Problem Gambling

Gambling News - July 16th, 2009 - Written by Glen

A study has shown that problem gamblers are also fit to become afflicted with alcoholism as well. The precise reason for the linking has not been determined, but many a hypothesis are out there.

An epidemiologist has looked into the matter, and part of the explanation stems from alcoholic drinks served at casinos. Many casinos, and almost all of the largest ones, offer free drinks to patrons so long as they continue to gamble. If one would spend five to six hours playing slots, he or she could easily continuously consume alcoholic drinks the entire time, without having to pay an extra dime.

Another issue looked into is depression. Those stricken with hordes of debt may be more inclined to drink alcohol as a way to cope with their problems. Some problem gamblers, according to the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, have tens of thousands of dollars of credit card or debt due to gambling.Alcohol and gambling come in many forms, and two are readily available in most states. Gas stations nationwide sell both lottery scratch cards as well as alcohol. An interview with a local gas station attendant made statements to back up the claim.

"Many of those that come in for beer also purchase scratch cards," began gas station clerk Carlos Fernand, "and these guys can get serious. We have a regular who will spend over a hundred dollars each day on scratch offs, all the while picking up a case of beer."

Florida has reported up to 4% of the population struggling with gambling problems. On rough estimation, 5% of the population suffers from alcoholism. While it could be mere coincidence that the two figures are related, some experts suggest that a percentage of each prevalence could be related.
